Kauai Shirt


Get your custom Jared Carpenter Photography Kauai Chicken shirt based on those dinosaur movies filmed in Kauai before they run out!

Kauai Shirt2018-08-20T19:05:45-08:00

Lee Filters SW150 Lens Cap


Ever since I got my Lee Filters SW150 filter kit for my 14-24mm lens (back when they were the only ones making a filter system for that lens), I was always a little concerned about using the neoprene “hood sock”. Sure, it would keep the front element clean from dirt/water/etc., but anything bumping the front [...]

Lee Filters SW150 Lens Cap2017-11-05T19:18:30-08:00



My website got hacked in early March 2017. I lost everything, which included over 6 years of blog posts. Time to start over I guess...

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