Seeing as I live in California, I figured I needed to do this target some justice by shooting over 10 hours on each narrowband filter for a total of 32 hours. The Ha and Sii data had so much detail. I pushed the Oiii a bit more than normal, but not so much that it got too noisy. I tried to keep some of the green because I really liked how it looks like a cosmic rainbow when you rotate it on its side.

Lights: 32 total hours of Ha, Oiii and Sii (300 second subs) and RGB Stars
Darks: 30 x 300 second exposures
30 flat and 30 bias exposures
Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro
Telescope: Sky Watcher Esprit 100
Guiding: 50mm f/3.8 and ASI120MM Mini
Computer: ASIAIR Plus
Mount: Sky Watcher EQ6-R Pro
Processing: PixInsight, BlurXTerminator, StarXTerminator, NoiseXTerminator, SetiAstro and Photoshop