A lot of objects in the night sky have names that don’t necessarily match what it actually looks like. In the case of the Wizard Nebula, I can at least actually see a wizard (hat, nose, hands, etc.). This was a tough one to process due to the quantity of stars and processing them separately from the nebula.

Lights: Just under 40 hours of 300 second exposures of Sii, Ha and Oiiii as well as RGB stars

Darks: 30 x 300 second exposures

30 flat and 30 bias exposures

Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro

Telescope: Celestron Edge HD 8 with .7 reducer

Guiding: Celestron OAG and ASI174MM Mini

Focus: ZWO EAF

Computer: ASIAIR Plus

Mount: Sky Watcher EQ6-R Pro

Power: AC

Processing: PixInsight, BlurXTerminator, StarXTerminator, NoiseXTerminator, SetiAstro and Photoshop